Friday, December 5, 2008

C:\Review\Entertainment\Nintendo Wii

Name: Nintendo Wii

Generation: Seventh Generation Era

First Launched: November 2006

Price Tag: $450.00 - $650.00

Recommended Games: Wii Sports, Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games

Editor's thoughts: An ingenious invention from Nintendo! Wii is an excellent game console which is able to keep family of all age entertained for hours. The game console enable up to a maximum of 4 controllers such that you can play with a group of friends! Not just that, it can be best cardio exercise as you will be burning fats while you play the wide array of interesting games available. Perfect for rainy weekends before your payday. I was engrossed with Wii Sports since the day I got the console and trust me, you will be hooked on too, even if you are not a gamer. Brilliant works for the incorporation of Wifi technology. Accessories available for racing (steering wheel) and shooting (gun) games. What are you waiting for? Get hooked!